Eng. Mina completed part of his studies in Stuttgart Germany as a member of the institute of automotive drive technology at the university of Stuttgart, he finished preparation of a pre-master degree & is currently pursuing a master of science degree in the same major.
Eng. Rafik completed part of his studies in Stuttgart Germany, as a member of the institute of the Nondestructive testing at the University of Stuttgart Germany & is currently pursuing a Master of Science degree in the same major.
Inspired by their interaction with many of the German entities, supervisors & professors, Eng. Mina togetherwith Eng. Rafik, are strongly pursuing a dream of applying the German science,standards & system in their current business.
Armed with decades of know how history & together with rigid scientific background, that was carved &fine-tuned by their German experience, they are leading the way to establishing a robust industrial organization under the name of MINRAF® which carry the initial letters of their names.