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Automotive suspension springs are subjected to a complex environment of multi-axial forces, temperatures, and road slush that varies significantly with customer usage, geographic location & load type. 

To fully validate a design, automotive suspensions must be thoroughly tested. 
Tests range from validating individual components, to performing full assembly tests on the vehicle structure. In all cases, careful attention needs to be paid to the input loads and the boundary conditions to ensure the dynamic stress distribution is accurately reproduced.

With over 74 years of experience, MINRAF® can help you with all aspects of automotive suspension testing. Our experience ranges from designing initial prototype through load testing to final full assembly tests on the vehicle.

Our success is based upon the satisfaction of our customers and the partnerships we build with them. Through our quality testing capabilities customers have come to recognize MINRAF® as an innovative, reliable, and results-oriented supplier and business partner. 
We are not just doing things right, we are doing the right things.
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